What does it take to pack for four seasons? With the various limits on weight and size among airlines, circling the globe can make my packin' head spin. Layers and lite ducky down is the way to go, but what about the sleeping bag? My pillow? Where is that going? How about the piles of tanks, long sleeves, sweaters, jackets, coats and patagonia thin layers? Do I really need them all? I'm going for an extended period ya know.
Something to know about me, once I rode 500 miles in a week from Minnesota to Chicago on a bike with a bike bag, two water bottles, jacket and a lock. It was within the first five miles, that I knew that the contents in my handle bar mounted bike bag had to go and that extra water bottle. I remember the moment, when I trashed the bag too. I felt free and light.
It's kinda that way with my package. I shed shirts and shoes, toss towels, leave behind my layers, early and often. This time I want to do it smartly and sustainably.
I have two weeks to figure it out? Who stays and who gets to go? Time for a new bag, or with my record of tossing, I might have room for timely purchases. so I can take off and travel happy!