outside the box, TAS mania copyright 2010 goAWAY gear LLC
In the last few days, I have brushed off the dust to my computer and hooked in my new monitor. My new apartment is decorated in deco pink corduroy and black. My life in the balkans is beginning. I am in wine country. It is different than Napa, Stellenbosch, Marlborough or Piedmont. A land, where bulk grapes, become bulk wine, sold to bulk countries. Little to no tourist here. The food best cooked at home. Artisans are few.
Crowds of men, dressed in black standing in the triangle of the town center, flocks of screaming birds, swooping from the dark comic like skyscrapers, scissors and shears to cut the new growth on the vines are what dominate my visual cue. History revealing itself as the proud countrymen tell of mystical tales, turkish occupation, folklore and ancient times.
My senses are wide open and my illustration ideas percolating.
creating the view from my apartment window, copyright 2010 goAWAY gear LLC