March 1, 2009 begins a button marathon. 26 "fast art" buttons in 2 days. Check out the start in the lefthand column. Look for my bars, bugs, babbles and more to show up on buttons. My buttons are all available on zazzle... with 10 or more discounted. And you can buy a variety of size, shape and image to meet the discount minimum. If you are into quanity, I offer one custom design - 200 buttons starting at $100.
Look for this POST TO EXPAND!
some of you asked? what is "fast art". Ideas that comes out of my hand, then thought is applied. What does it look like? you see..... many different art styles, cuz someone said, "creativity is the absence of a frame of mind . . . then I add some basic art skill and history.
10 and counting.... my morning start.... turning african baobab trees into trim.
10:00 a.m.
under my umbrella, chubby girl brand bubble gum, try some for a chubby bubble
It seems like a long time since my over productive time from 12:00 - 2:00 a.m., but chubby bubble took me about 3 hours. and I do have it in a couple of versions. I see that fast art creates lots of fun and compositions...ITs the layout and being the exacto fanatico that I am... 26 looks like a long shot at this moment. Day 2.... this "smorning" after uploading and laying out more chubby girl brand buttons comes "word day.
2 buttons and scraps on my artboard 12:00 a.m. day three
At the end of day two, I found that once I start to work on a button theme, I like to play with the options. SOOOOOO! I didn't get to 26 finished products but, 13 and a bunch of drafts. Below is the last button, I worked on... and its just getting juicy!
ideas to illustrate on a button- a brain drain in 2 minutes or less.
Albert Einstein"s quote: I don't know with what weapons WW III will be fought , but WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones. Worm: n a small limbless invertebrate with an elongated soft and usually naked body. Tstitsikama ZA. RESPECT. Just say NO to naysayers. FLAMINGOS. Polemic. travel far often. Brown Dwarf, the star want a be. ITS a MIRACLE that CURIOSITY SURVIVES formal EDUCATION. How deep would the ocean be if there weren't any sponges? chemical formula for diamonds. sovereign orb. life minded.
So all in all, I learned more skills in illustrator, have some new files, I can use for one off designs and for clients. I will continue a half marathon over the weekend... so stay tuned.
i'm back!
copyright 2009 TAS mania all rights reserved
update 05/07/09 sold 2500 buttons on PROMO
now I can create some for my illustration portfolio