travel tribe, me copyright 2009 TAS mania
10 things plan: recreated
- create some images
- find some tshirts and shoes to put the images on 9/08
- buy some and see how the images translate on the tshirts, shoes, cards etc. 11/08
- tell some family and friends 12/08
- build a website, estore and finds some more products to place my images on.12/08
- get some groupies that like my images and products enough to buy my products. (got my first group for PROMO 03/09 check out PROMO)
- get some smarties, social magnets, smooth talkers to help with building a collective (step 6. and 7. is where I am at)
- schedule some fund raising parties for Change Purse, before I leave for the known.
- get 1000 smarties, social magnets, smooth talkers to be virtually connected to Change Purse, goAWAYgear and icon.
- Put on hold till style development and clear project defined. 5/2010
Rough-Rough Draft for the future:
goAWAY gear connects a global collective of hip artistan/designers to a multi tiered sales force. The Artists and Sales Representatives are supported by website and web based apllications for creation,marketing, purchasing and shipping of products from selected manufactures, printing and shipping. goAWAY gear is set up to be a zero inventory company. Screen Printing is possible thru marketing programs such as subscription tshirts, limited editions, corporate client projects.
If you think of as a mall. . . one store is open for now with more stores will be added as more artist/designers partner. More images, More gear, More productlines more channels for distribution. The difference: all products are waiting to be born, then worn. . . so there is a moment where you can speak with your designer/artist to co create to customize.
Another way to say it: goAWAY gear grows to a creative studio that is global mobile. Our collective portfolio of artwork is placed on travel gear and sold through our website, a sales and regional rep network and licences. A percentage of royalties go to Change Purse Creative Partners. Ideal conditions for goaway are: no inventory, sustainable partnerships. with compensation: artist retain copyright and compensated by royalties . . .sales force, commission based.
Change Purse Creative Partners, a non profit providing business education and a network to artist. Change Purse to support goAWAY gear artists.