In this economy you may be searching for ways to pile on some cash. Why wait for the money to trickle down, when you can build from the bottom up? Put your email list to work for you. Your circle of friends can help you increase your $$$ with just a few hours of work and minimal investment. The investment - you buy some goAWAY gear, so you have 1st hand experience. Be the first to wear goAWAY gear in your school, community or when you go out for a night. Being the social magnet, you are... you are guaranteed to be asked, Where did you get that shirt? Let the sales begin. The details: Include your contact details on the comment form below and indicate your interest in goAWAY gear e parties. (this info is confidential) Do you desire more of a stake in goAWAY gear? see goAWAY gear Regional Reps, Contributing Designers, Board Membership, Equity Partners. Where's this company going? Guess what? I can sees in the future, a stable of hip global designers, more high quality one off and limited edition gear, like environmental friendly shopping and travel bags, all over design tshirts, skirts and trousers. And then there's the global bound workshops and work/study travel expeditions through Travel Happy. As the team grows, Travel Happy and goAWAY gear looks to support Change Purse Creative Partners, a non profit business education project. Compensation will include, global awards trips, incentive pay, and partnership equity to regional representatives, designers, board members and equity partners.