Why subscribe? Cuz, if we band together our bodies in cozy puddles of 25, I can design and print all-over a tshirt. My supplier has a massive variety and supply of ink for screen printing and they are willing to unleash the limited 12"x14" template. I mean, how would you like to only write on 4" square of a 8.5"'x11" piece of paper? For an artist like me, it's fruuuustrating! To design all over, is a dreamy possibility. It pushes the upper limits of custom designing on t shirts.
How does it work? Subscribe to the goAWAY gear tshirt club and one tee shirt every 2 months for a year will keep you on the bleeding edge. All tees are designed around, up to the moment themes, trends, colors, coming from the bottom up. -Creativity unbound. Series one will be limited to 300 tees/issue.
What's up first? the BROWN DWARF- capture the shift.
The message? BEWARE! made up corporate "que dees" that's cubicle designers, detached from the pulse and beat of the world and most of all, celebutards, come designers. Your days in the spotlight are numbered. You're soon to be defined as brown dwarfs. The superstars are being born. Technology reduces the barrier to build a brand. -mover over, overexposed disney! You can start or build upon a trend with your $$$ and your body by supporting microbrand designers, like me!
So lend me your body and I will guarantee that you get asked . . . where did you get that shirt?
When does this start? say you want to participate: when 200 subscribe, I and others design, we collect $ and the t shirt goes to print! so for now, click and comment, YES, RIGHT BELOW THIS POST to be a part of my crowd. typeout your name, email and I want to subscribe, to start. the price? (somewhere around $150 for 6 goAWAY tshirts)